
thirdweb Payments

Checkouts delivers the easiest NFT payments experience for you and your buyers. Sell NFTs on any one of our supported EVM chains and allow your users to pay with any supported payment option. You and your buyers can expect instant payouts and instant NFT processing - all done through your smart contract.

Checkouts Process Diagram

Accepted payment options for buyers

thirdweb accepts fiat payments via Credit & Debit Card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Card and other fiat payments are accepted from all 50 US states and most countries. We also support crypto payments via ETH.

Supported chains and currencies for developers

thirdweb currently supports checkout for NFTs on any of the following chains with any of the following currencies:

Blockchain (Mainnet)Supported Currencies
Arbitrum NovaETH
Arbitrum OneETH, USDC.e*
AvalancheAVAX, USDC.e*
EthereumETH, USDC*
OptimismETH, USDC*

* - ERC-20 tokens are available for pro or enterprise customers only

Blockchain (Testnet)Supported Currencies
Arbitrum SepoliaETH
Avalanche FujiAVAX
Base GoerliETH
Optimism GoerliETH
Zora TestnetETH

Fraud prevention & chargeback protection

thirdweb deters bots and fraudulent activity by using multiple data points about the buyer's device, network, behavior, payment, and more. Only high-risk buyers will need to verify their identity with an ID and selfie.

We protect you from these concerns by offering full chargeback protection.

Reliable NFT Delivery

thirdweb manages a fleet of funded crypto wallets to handle blockchain transactions at scale. Queues are automated to monitor for stuck transactions, failed on-chain calls, and low funds.

Conversion-optimized UX

Our checkout flow accounts for many cases to provide buyers a seamless experience with minimal steps:

  • Does the buyer need a crypto wallet or do they already have one?
  • Do they exhibit bot-like or suspicious behavior?
  • Do they have enough tokens to mint directly from their wallet?
  • Is your user trying to purchase more than one NFT?
  • Is your user allowlisted to purchase?
  • Are there enough NFTs remaining to purchase?

Webhooks & custom metadata

Configure webhooks to notify your backend when payments and transfers are completed. Webhooks allow you to unlock NFT-gated utilities, send customized emails, and more.

Provide custom metadata to tag purchases with added information.


View purchases to your checkouts including breakdowns by payment method and wallet. Export your data with additional details including buyer location, transaction hash, conversion rate, and custom metadata.

Get visibility into failed transactions to speed up debugging and resolve support questions.