

Call or deploy contracts from your backend wallet to any EVM blockchain with one API call.

Write to a contract

This request requires gas funds in the backend wallet.

const resp = await fetch(
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      Authorization: "Bearer <access_token>",
      "x-backend-wallet-address": "<backend_wallet_address>",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      functionName: "transferFrom",
      args: [

const { result } = await resp.json();
// queueId is a reference to the transaction queued by Engine.
console.log("Queue ID:", result.queueId);

See API reference.

Call a payable method

To send native tokens to a payable method (e.g. ETH on Ethereum), set txOverrides.value in the request body to POST /contract/<chain>/<contract_address>/write.

  functionName: "...",
  args: [ ... ],
  txOverrides: {
    value: 1000000000000000, // 0.001 ETH in wei

Override gas settings

Coming soon.

To override the estimated gas settings for your transaction, set txOverrides.gasLimit and txOverrides.gasPrice in the request body to POST /contract/<chain>/<contract_address>/write.

  functionName: "...",
  args: [ ... ],
  txOverrides: {
    gasLimit: 150000,
    gasPrice: 22000000000, // 22 gwei in wei

Read from a contract

const resp = await fetch(
    headers: {
      Authorization: "Bearer <access_token>",

const { result } = await resp.json();
console.log("ERC-20 balance:", result);

Deploy a contract

This request requires gas funds in the backend wallet.

const resp = await fetch("<engine_url>/deploy/<chain>/prebuilts/nft-drop", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    Authorization: "Bearer <access_token>",
    "x-backend-wallet-address": "<backend_wallet_address>",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    contractMetadata: {
      name: "thirdweb Engine example",
      symbol: "eng",
      primary_sale_recipient: "0x3EcDBF3B911d0e9052b64850693888b008e18373",

const { result } = await resp.json();
// queueId is a reference to the transaction queued by Engine.
console.log("Queue ID:", result.queueId);