

All these configuration options are optional with sane defaults:

type SDKOptions = z.input<typeof SDKOptionsSchema>;


  readonlySettings: {
    rpcUrl, // force read calls to go through your own RPC url
    chainId, // reduce RPC calls by sepcifying your chain ID
  gasSettings: {
    maxPriceInGwei, // Maximum gas price for transactions (default 300 gwei)
    speed, // the tx speed setting: 'standard'|'fast|'fastest' (default: 'fastest')
  gasless: {
    // By specifying a gasless configuration - all transactions will get forwarded to enable gasless transactions
    openzeppelin: {
      relayerUrl, // your OZ Defender relayer URL
      relayerForwarderAddress, // the OZ defender relayer address (defaults to the standard one)
    biconomy: {
      apiId, // your Biconomy API Id
      apiKey, // your Biconomy API Key
      deadlineSeconds, // your Biconomy timeout preference